Cryotherapy therapy of the prostate is a minimally invasive procedure carried out in Day Surgery in an attempt to effect a cure for localised prostate cancer which has been previously diagnosed on biopsy and where staging has shown no spread outside the prostate gland. It is sometimes used when there is local recurrence after Radiotherapy.
As with all cases of prostate cancer treatment should be tailored for the individual patient based on the grade and stage of the tumour, the PSA level and the estimated quality of life and life expectancy based on the patient’s general state of health and other medical conditions.
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Cryotherapy therapy of the prostate is a minimally invasive procedure carried out in Day Surgery in an attempt to effect a cure for localised prostate cancer which has been previously diagnosed on biopsy and where staging has shown no spread outside the prostate gland. It is sometimes used when there is local recurrence after Radiotherapy.
As with all cases of prostate cancer treatment should be tailored for the individual patient based on the grade and stage of the tumour, the PSA level and the estimated quality of life and life expectancy based on the patient’s general state of health and other medical conditions.
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