Cancer of the Prostate
Prostate Cancer is actually the most common tumour found in men. It is also usually one of the most slow-growing; many men with prostate cancer may live for many years with little or no ill-effects however early detection is important in order to give an individual patient the fullest range of options available for their treatment and support.
Generally, as men get older and the prostate gland enlarges (which is quite normal), there is an increased chance of developing a prostate cancer and there is also a further risk associated in a man with a family history of prostate cancer, a risk which again increases with the number of male relatives affected with this cancer.
Doctors generally look for changes in the size and consistency of the prostate gland which may indicate the presence of prostate cancer – any lumps or bumps that don’t feel right will prompt other screening.
There are two main types of PSA which are usually used for clinical testing. The PSA which is free within the circulation and that which is bound to protein. A number of studies have shown that the ratio of free to bound PSA may result in a greater sensitivity in the possibility of being able to estimate the likelihood of a prostate cancer in an individual patient. Generally speaking, if the ratio is less than 10 – 15% the likelihood of a prostate cancer is increased.
Prostate Testing & Examination
Some men will have some of the symptoms, but some men may not have any symptoms at all. A routine blood test from your doctor may raise awareness that leads to further testing, for instance the levels of PSA may cause concern and consequently the need for other tests.
If you are concerned about any symptoms that you suffer yourself or perhaps there is a history of prostate cancer in your family, then it’s important that you make an early appointment with your GP to be referred to a Urologist who can then help you find the most effective way to diagnose and manage any further treatments.
At Cairns Urology we can also help you select the most appropriate way to screen and diagnose your particular symptoms.
Screening Services
Men should be screened for prostate cancer from the age of 40 if there is a family history of prostate cancer and the age of 50 if there is no family history. Some studies have shown that a PSA level done at the age of 40 may be a reasonable indicator of the need to decide how regularly testing should be carried out. The object of looking for prostate cancer is to enable the right treatment to be given in order that the man can live for a good time and a long time (quality & quantity). Treatments and their side effects should not be worse than the disease. In some situations the best treatment is no treatment. Go to Screening Services
Call us on on 07 4041 0700 for any queries or just book an appointment
Prostate Cancer is actually the most common tumour found in men. It is also usually one of the most slow-growing; many men with prostate cancer may live for many years with little or no ill-effects however early detection is important in order to give an individual patient the fullest range of options available for their treatment and support.
Generally, as men get older and the prostate gland enlarges (which is quite normal), there is an increased chance of developing a prostate cancer and there is also a further risk associated in a man with a family history of prostate cancer, a risk which again increases with the number of male relatives affected with this cancer.
Doctors generally look for changes in the size and consistency of the prostate gland which may indicate the presence of prostate cancer – any lumps or bumps that don’t feel right will prompt other screening.
There are two main types of PSA which are usually used for clinical testing. The PSA which is free within the circulation and that which is bound to protein. A number of studies have shown that the ratio of free to bound PSA may result in a greater sensitivity in the possibility of being able to estimate the likelihood of a prostate cancer in an individual patient. Generally speaking, if the ratio is less than 10 – 15% the likelihood of a prostate cancer is increased.
Prostate Testing & Examination
Some men will have some of the symptoms, but some men may not have any symptoms at all. A routine blood test from your doctor may raise awareness that leads to further testing, for instance the levels of PSA may cause concern and consequently the need for other tests.
If you are concerned about any symptoms that you suffer yourself or perhaps there is a history of prostate cancer in your family, then it’s important that you make an early appointment with your GP to be referred to a Urologist who can then help you find the most effective way to diagnose and manage any further treatments.
At Cairns Urology we can also help you select the most appropriate way to screen and diagnose your particular symptoms.
Screening Services
Men should be screened for prostate cancer from the age of 40 if there is a family history of prostate cancer and the age of 50 if there is no family history. Some studies have shown that a PSA level done at the age of 40 may be a reasonable indicator of the need to decide how regularly testing should be carried out. The object of looking for prostate cancer is to enable the right treatment to be given in order that the man can live for a good time and a long time (quality & quantity). Treatments and their side effects should not be worse than the disease. In some situations the best treatment is no treatment. Go to Screening Services
Call us on on 07 4041 0700 for any queries or just book an appointment